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Marketing strategy of Amazon 2017

Marketing strategy of Amazon 2017 – Amazon has never created any strategy based on any competitor. Amazon operates guided by its well known vision of being earth’s most customer centric company.

Understanding Digital Marketing: Marketing Strategies for Engaging the Digital Generation

  • Reach: Amazon’s initial business growth based on detailed approach to SEO and AdWords targeting millions of keywords.
  • Act: Creating a clear simple experiences through testing and learning.
  • Convert: Using personalisation to make relevant recommendations and a clear checkout process that many now imitate.
  • Engage:

Amazon Marketing communications

Amazon state that the aims of their communications strategy are

  1. Increase customer traffic to our websites
  2. Create awareness of our products and services
  3. Promote repeat purchases
  4. Develop incremental product and service revenue opportunities
  5. Strengthen and broaden the brand name.

Everything else just follows. One of Jeff’s well known quote is that a customer will never say ” oh I love amazon, I only wish the prices were a little higher”.

These are things that will never change, and that’s what Amazon focuses on.

I will also suggest that we do not be misguided by the so called hype of comparing Flipkart with Amazon.

While on paper they seem to be in the same business, they are very different, from revenue stream to business model.

So to conclude Amazon will keep thinking for the customers and innovating on their behalf to enable better prices , a broader selection and making it more convenient . (more…)

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