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How to Get a Google Adsense Account Approved

How to Get a Google Adsense Account Approved – First, go to the Signup page for AdSense, and you will see an option to create a new Google account, or you can choose to use your existing Google account.

Learn Adsense Courseclick here

If you have a domain-specific email address, I suggest you use that to sign up for your AdSense account.  Otherwise, use your existing gmail address.

There are no of ways to Get Google Adsense Account Approved within 2 days ( Blogspot, Youtube etc.) we will discussion on these topic later.

Steps to create an Adsense account:

Adsense has recently changed the account approval process to include the following steps:

  • Sign up for Adsense
  • Add Adsense ads to your blog
  • Wait while your account is reviewed and either accepted or rejected

Although the new AdSense account approval process is quite lengthy, the process will ultimately help us to maintain the quality of Adsense for all users. (more…)

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