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Top 12 Small Business Ideas in India for the New Age Entrepreneur

Small Business Ideas in IndiaSetting up a new business in the post-COVID world is not an easy task, especially in India. However, if you look at the scenario in a positive sense, you would see that a lot of new opportunities have popped up in the online business world. So, in a way, the time is perfect to step foot in the business world for the new age Indian entrepreneur.

In order to pick the right idea for your next small business venture in India, you must consider the following aspects:

  • Don’t begin with just anything – always make your passions and interests your “business”. That will make work seem like play.
  • Carry out a thorough market research to check for competition and your scope of being successful. Refrain from entering into a highly saturated market.
  • Double check the demand of products and services that you are thinking to offer. Things go out of fashion in the blink of an eye.

Here are a few business ideas for the new age entrepreneur in India

  1. Yoga & Meditation Studios
    People, these days, are stressed out all the time. With so many expectations from life, over-indulgence in the rat race and the futile attempts of trying to satisfy each artificial need keeps people exhausted and dissatisfied. Add to this the frustration brought on by isolation and lockdown during the coronavirus pandemic.

    Therefore, the present time is perhaps the best opportunity to bring people out of their physical and mental ruts through yoga and meditation studios. Besides setting up your own yoga studio, you can also consider becoming a yoga and meditation instructor or opening up an ecommerce store that deals with supplies for the same.

2) Digital Marketing
With almost all businesses going online, there is a huge demand for both fresher and experienced digital marketers. Here, you can set up your own business or even work as a freelancer from the comfort of your home. In either case, you must first complete a digital marketing course that will teach


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