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Higher Education Marketing Strategy – How to Master Your Admissions Funnel

CIIM-ChandigarhHigher Education Marketing Strategy – We all know that the most important thing for any educational institution is the number of enrolled students. This dictates all of your budgeting considerations and the very survival of your institution.

In order to get the maximum number of students enrolled, you need to take great care to market your institution effectively. And the first step to better marketing is understanding your buyers’ journey, i.e. your potential students’ journey.

In this post, I’ll present a smart way to structure your admissions funnel, and I’ll go over all the different channels you must consider at each stage. You’ll learn how to better understand, prioritize, and integrate all of your marketing and recruitment efforts.

In subsequent posts I will focus on more specific examples and methods to boost your efficiency, so stay tuned!

Why Is Understanding the Admissions Funnel So Important?

Let’s face the truth — selecting a college or university is one of the most important decisions in the minds of your future students and their parents. Winning their hearts and minds is key to convincing them your institution is the best fit. (more…)

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